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Dr Chandni Tugnait

Dr. Chandni, with over 14 years experience, has transformed many lives during her journey as a psychotherapist, life alchemist, business coach & a healer who specialises in working towards emotional, mental, physical, social and financial freedom for people using various therapies combined with coaching and mind-power tools to create desired result!

As an expert healer, Dr. Chandni’s been certified under multiple healing modalities including but not limited to NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Colour Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Theta healing, Angel Healing and many more. She uses these to help bring transformation in various aspects – physical, social, mental, emotional, financial, sexual, spiritual, behavioral, etc.

In-depth Consultation includes

Meaningful Conversation

Dr. Chandni will understand the aspects of your life that you wish to work on, in detail. You will share inputs and patterns of your life, such as what’s going on with respect to relationships, finances, physical & physiological conditions or behavior patterns along with any disorder – we recommend you share multiple aspects from multiple areas of day-to-day living! To make the analysis more holistic, Dr. Chandni will also scan your energy at this stage.

Sub-conscious Memory Mapping

Dr. Chandni has over 14 years of experience in the field of psychology and is an expert in understanding subconscious triggers and imitation patterns we unknowingly get caught into. With her intuitive ability, she will map out your conscious life with your subconscious triggers that cause it, starting from what’s going on inside you right now- where all these patterns come from and why they keep happening over and over again in one form or another! You might be surprised by how this understanding can finally set you free.

Current Energy Exploration

This will be done by understanding what your current energy is, as well any distorted patterns that may have been added throughout time with unwanted emotions such as anger, guilt or fear, etc. These energy patterns are complex and never-ending. However, by understanding the current state as well as any previous patterns in life, Dr Chandni will guide you towards a roadmap for happiness, abundance & success for you, personally & professionally – while also helping you avoid pitfalls that might come up along the way!

Sharing Tips & Techniques

These tips will act as a starting point in your life to follow and feel better and will be as per what is needed most in that moment. Sharing of these simple tips from Dr Chandni will be from two different domains to help you out! These will be easy-to follow and will be as per your energy and discussion with Dr Chandni Tugnait in previous stages so that there’s no need for any more guesswork at your end.

These 2 domains are :-

  • Mindset-based Tips (as per what is needed)
  • Energy-based Tips (as per what is needed)

Roadmap for Future Possibilities

Blueprint to your dreams – the road of transformation will open up new possibilities with Dr. Chandni’s guidance. Dr. Chandni will help you identify the key areas to start focusing upon. She will also guide the best possible way to start this transformation journey on your own or by choosing a contribituve transformational mentor in your life.

The in-depth consultation takes  about

45 – 90 Minutes,

so kindly book your seat in advance.

In-depth consultation can be done in-person or even online through video or audio call

(recommended for clients who are in different cities or countries or those who are in critical condition).

Appointments with date and time will be confirmed post registration.


1. What do we experience in a well-being session?

A session, as explained above, will include 4 stages along with post session
support. It includes a combination of around 4-5 (sometimes more) different
healing modalities on case-to-case basis (with no additional cost for number
of modalities used).

2. Are the therapies invasive?

No, the therapies used are non-invasive and completely safe for all.

3. Would I be able to use the additional tips, post session, on my own?

These tips are designed in such a way that no lifestyle changes are required
and hence anyone can do these by dedicating few minutes to self every day.

4. What makes a session effective?

All sessions are based on the concept of mind and energy thereby making them
extremely effective.

Let’s understand this in detail. We all have a physical body, an energetic
body and the mind. In the physical body, the neurons (core components of the
brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves) play a very important role in
healing. In the energetic body, the aura (energy field), the chakras (energy
centers) and the meridians (energy pathways) play a very important role in
healing. In the mind, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind & the
vibrational mind play a very important role in healing.

Each session focuses on all of these which makes it more effective.

Just like every individual has a different physical composition, there is
also distinct energetic composition (etheric, mental, emotional &
spiritual) for each one of us. We all have energies vibrating at different
frequencies. And that is why, what works for one individual may not work for
the other and hence, multiple healing modalities are used in a session
(based on intuition and experience) to ensure best possible results.

5. Does Healing provide sustainable result?

We have designed the well-being session to make it work on each aspect of
your life. When combined with guidance from alternate therapies,
psychotherapy and coaching along with additional tips one gets better
results in most cases. Hence, we provide results that are sustainable.

6. How many sessions does one need for results to show up?

These tips are designed in such a way that no lifestyle changes are required
and hence anyone can do these by dedicating few minutes to self every day.

Results may vary from person to person depending upon their readiness and
receptivity. Changes are often visible right from the first session. Even
when issues are resolved in a single session, three sessions are advisable
for a lasting impact. Book a 3x Session
The sessions aim at healing, detoxing and sealing and not
just a quick-fix. Mindset change and awareness are equally important and
hence with more sessions, clients get equipped to deal with different
aspects of their lives more efficiently. In my experience, I have witnessed
clients with 8-10 years of depression getting all right in one session. A
client who was unable to conceive even through IVF, conceived normally,
without IVF, in three sessions. Another time, there was a couple dealing
with relationship issues for over 20 years and they experienced a
breakthrough in just 2 sessions. Some clients feel it’s important to cleanse
and align their body, mind and soul regularly and so they book a session
every month. So the number of sessions varies from person to person and case
to case.

7. How do I know if I need a session?

A well-being session can be booked by:

  • Someone willing for a change in any aspect of his or her life
  • Someone ready to create a life of his or her choice.
  • Someone ready for mindset shift for a life full of joy, ease &
  • Someone looking at financial stability
  • Someone going through physical, mental or emotional upheaval
  • Someone going through depression, anxiety or stress
  • Someone looking for Life Coaching
  • Someone looking to break-free from past patterns and beliefs
  • Someone willing to create meaningful relationships
  • Someone ready to work on personal & professional growth

8. Is the session worth-it?

Are you worth it? Is your personal and professional growth worth it? Are
your relationships worth it? Is your mental peace worth it? Is your life
worth it?

Compare a session with a therapist to a 10-minute consultation at a
hospital. How much would you end up paying in 120 minutes?

Or compare it to a dinner at a fancy restaurant; how much would that cost?
The list is endless and honestly, there can never be a comparison. The
well-being session is an investment in self and not an expense!

The healing/coaching session is a service similar to services offered by any
other service provider. Would you ever ask a plumber to fix the pipes at
your home for free? Would you ask a business consultant to guide you for
exponential growth at no cost? Would you expect a teacher in school/college
to teach for good deed? Would you ask a CA to handle your accounts for free?

Expecting healing to be free because energy is free would only make sense if
healing was the only kind of energy that existed. But everything is energy,
including money. Also, without an energy exchange, you won’t be able to get
results as well (remember physics, energy can neither be created nor be
destroyed, it can only be transformed from one form to another).

Healing is a gift. Coaching is a skill. Lacs of rupees, lots of courses and
certifications, years of learning, practice, time, commitment,
confidentiality and experience along with the trust from thousands of
testimonials is what you get in the amount you pay in the form of energy
exchange which infact is very less in comparison to what you receive –
release of pain, trauma, baggage of years and beyond along with creation of
a blissful and abundant life of your choice.

So be rest assured, that you would get more than you expect or know from a
session because the universe is capable of so much more than what you &
I can comprehend.

9. When should one book a session?

A well-being session is an investment in self. Just like we bathe everyday,
eat food at regular intervals, fix appointments at the spa and salon once or
twice a month, we should also fix a time for our growth and well-being from
time-to-time. We all have certain things in our lives that we would like to
address for a wholesome, healthy, abundant and fulfilling life. Hence, the
best time to book a session is NOW!

Remember: A well-being session is not required only to
address pain, damage or issues. It is
chosen even when things are good, to take them to the next level.

10. What does a well-being session feel like?

Every individual is unique in their experiences, auras and energies. The
well-being session ‘feels’ different to different people and even to the
same person differently each time they experience it. This is because some
of us are more sensitive to energy and others aren’t. In case you are very
senstitive to energy, you would feel warmth in the body, tingling
sensations, sense of energy flowing in/flowing out, floating-like sensation,
warm/cold, light/heavy, sense of deep space, feeling sleepy, among many
other sensations. If you aren’t sensitive to energy, you may not experience
any of these physically but energetically the result of the session remains
intact. Also, no two sessions feel the same in intensity as the release
differs each time based on the individual’s energy in that moment. Have you
ever experienced a phase of life without judgement for yourself both in
terms of body and mind? The well-being session aims at getting you to hold
that space of love and compassion for yourself thereby ensuring deep

11. What is covered in consultation (if you don’t opt for the well-being session)?

A 30 minutes consultation would include a summary of the points you would
like to work upon/change in your life and based on that Dr. Chandni Tugnait
would share a couple of tips with you to help you achieve ease in the
aspects discussed. This involves no healing/coaching/counselling/post
session support. This is a quick connect mainly for people who are adept in
handling their concerns with a little guidance. You may also choose a
consultation if you are in two minds about the well-being session, for more
clarity and rapport building with Dr. Chandni Tugnait.

12. Are these sessions confidential?

Yes. All that is discussed with Dr. Chandni Tugnait is 100% confidential and
no details are ever discussed with anyone else ever. You would have the
liberty to discuss about the sessions with whoever you like but from our end
there would be no lapse on the same. Even when all members of the same
family or employess of the same organisation take sessions from us, there is
absolute confidentiality maintained at every level.

13. Is the well-being session better in-person or online/distant?

The result of the session remains the same whether it is
in-person/distant/online. Even the process and time taken between the two is
the same. As explained earlier, we use energy & mind to get the results.
As long as you have the intent to witness change, the results show up,
irrespective of the medium of the session. In case of an online session
whatsapp, audio calls, video calls, skype/zoom – any of these can be opted
for, based on your convenience.

14. What all aspects can be addressed in a well-being session?

The aspects that can be addressed in a well-being session are all those that
are connected with you. These may be physical, mental, emotional,
behavioural, sexual, personal, professional, financial, social, spiritual,
environmental and vibrational.

15. Can I book a well-being session on behalf of someone else?

The answer to this is yes and no. You can book a well-being session for your
child (if the child is below 10 years of age; post which you will need their
permission). You can book a session for an elderly (over 65-70 years of age;
if they are your parents or relatives). You can book a session for a loved
one who is terminally ill (age no bar) and is in no position to do it
themselves. In all other cases, the person concerned must be willing to book
a session as without that it is a waste of time, energy and intent. Dr.
Chandni Tugnait takes pride in her integrity in this regard and doesn’t take
up sessions in cases where a person would like someone else to change
without their knowing or approval.

16. What if I am in a different country?

We have clients across the globe and it doesn’t matter which country you are
from. The appointments would be fixed based on your time zone and
convenience. The payment options are also varied to ensure ease in booking
an appointment.

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Meet Your Life Coach & Healer

Dr. Chandni Tugnait is MD in Alternate Medicines, Psychotherapist, Life Coach & Healer with over 14 Years of experience. She is internationally Certified Facilitator & Practitioner in Access Bars, Access Body Processes, EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, Angel Healing along with Card Reading, Theta Healing, Energy Healing, Aura Cleansing, Chakra Healing, Abundance Magnetizing & Color Therapy among many others. Read Dr. Chandni’s Story
As Seen On


We changed their lives and here they send us reasons to smile !
Priceless words of honour.

I have known Dr Chandni for only 6 months. Yet today I consider her part of my family and my being. When I met her, I was exhausted with life and with myself. Not only did her session uplift & transform my physical body but I was grounded like I havent been in 8 years. Highly knowledgeable, able to answer your deepest questions, full of light and exuberance, I havent seen any energy healing so significant and long lasting. Im privileged to receive wellness from her and I know that Im never alone. My association with her is for life and her specialness is above the heavens for me.

Ms. Rosy Singh
Corporate Trainer, Delhi

I was part of the session with Dr. Chandni Tugnait and so many friends asked me about my experience. The following analogy reflects some parts of the experience -The best of Buddhas disciple gave their quantifiable findings but when it came to Andanda, his closest one, he had tears in his eyes and responded in a single sentence – “I don’t know”.Buddha responded emotively, you have me in you. One has to experience it to believe in the healing process in totality.
Thanks a lot for your contribution Chandni

Mr. Gurpinder Singh Vohra
Founder Kriti Creation
New Delhi

Best person in town , all courses and learning content is awesome n really insightful

More power to her, she is changing the life of many people with her holistic healing techniques and helping in removing limiting beliefs of people and unleashing the power within them to get healthy and successful life.

Anketaa Sachdev

At times i wonder where does she keep it all. Such compassion – non judgmental, ever accessible, invaluable. It’s got to be a fountain within her that flows incessantly for the wary soul. No matter what your wound is, the magical waters of this fountain can cure all. And it was magic that got me to this fountain. For I had neither met her nor known her, at-least not in this lifetime! The first time i spoke to her, her compassion cut through my dense energy.

Qatar (UAE)

Chakra Balancing 5 days WhatsApp Workshop: It was well organised course, data was shared in time. Meditations were really helpful. All the details about chakra and different ways to clear and balance them were shared in a simple but effective way.

I am really grateful to be associated with Gateway of Healing.
Thank you 😊

Mrs. Jaswinder Kaur

It sure was nice meeting Dr. Chandni Tugnait.
The participants liked her talk.
It was nice and interactive – just what we wanted.

Ms. Mamta Saxena
IFC, World Bank

It was indeed a great honor for me to be trained by Ms. Chandni on my first visit to India. Not only did she teach us techniques on improving our proficiency in the English Language but also helped us to be able to communicate effectively with people from different cultures. The sessions with Ms. Chandni are always fun & informative. Even after hours of training with her, there is no sign of tiredness or lethargy. I extend my gratitude to you for teaching us how to be BETTER THAN THE BEST!!

Robbi Adhilni

Every teacher educates but only a few enlighten and Chandni ma’am is one of them. Besides having outstanding teaching methods, she is also very skilful and enthusiastic. And the best part is she never settles for what she and her students have accomplished. I owe a lot to her in terms of motivation, enlightenment and most importantly for making me a good human being. Her words of motivation “YOU ARE BETTER THAN THE BEST” always are a major source of ENCOURAGEMENT..

Nitasha Panda

Ms. Chandni is a fine young lady who simply touched my heart during my visit to India. Although she is my daughter’s age but the ease with which she handled our group of 40 odd people from different countries and different cultures, left me spellbound. English was never a problem for me but this young girl, who I proudly call my teacher, taught me some very interesting things. I wish you the best of luck in everything that you do. Smile as often as you can. May the Lord bless you!

Joseph, Diplomat
Sudan, Africa

Ms. Chandni Tugnait – You are simply WOW! Thank you for making me aware of the flaws in my language.

Abbas Ali

Ms. Chandni is someone who sets an example and acts as an inspiration for all her trainees. She full of knowledge and wants the best of us as students. A saying of her that I want to share with u all (that brought difference in my life) :

Saluna Koebeer
Suriname (South America)

I’m really thankful to Chandni Ji for bringing the awareness in me and helping me in empowering myself through the various workshops conducted by her. Not only am I more confident and happy now but also more capable of helping others by healing different issues in their lives. Thanks for always being there to guide me.

Soniyah Sharrmaa
New Delhi

I’m really glad I attended the Serenity Surrender Basic Workshop with Chandni Ma’am. I’ll be indebted to you all my life for showing me the path of self empowerment. I had put myself in the gentle and capable hands of my guide and mentor ‘Chandni Tugnait Sharma’ and found that my opinion of myself, and my beliefs in the cycles of karma changed forever. The sessions and workshops have helped me develop my full potential, unlock hidden talents, and create more compassion and love for myself and others. Love You Ma’am.

Gauri Dhiman
New Delhi

I shall be eternally grateful to my sister-in-law for helping me uncover the fantastic laws of Universe and exposing me to the world of great mysticity and grandeur. Nothing seems impossible for me now. I get all that I desire and much more. One workshop changed so much for me. I, now, truly believe that nothing is unachievable in this abundant Universe.

Saurabh Sharma
New Delhi

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